Attention à ne pas confondre workshop et team building ! Le team building se distingue par son caractère résolument tourné vers la création d'une véritable cohésion d'équipe, alors que le workshop est une animation dédiée à la créativité.
Lors d'un workshop, les participants sont concentrés sur un objectif précis pendant une journée et devront mobiliser leurs compétences en commun pour mener à bien chaque défi et challenge.
Imaginez un endroit où vous pouvez poser des questions sans être interrompu, partager vos idées avec d'autres penseurs et être inspiré par le travail d'autres personnes, cela semble assez génial, n'est-ce pas ?
Le workshop vous donnera l'occasion de disposer d'un espace dédié pour faire exactement cela et encourager le travail collaboratif.
Notre atelier est un espace unique où vous rencontrerez nos experts, vous aurez l'occasion de discuter de vos idées avec ces leaders d'opinion novateurs et d'acquérir les connaissances dont vous avez besoin pour progresser.
Nous orienterons nos actions sur un domaine spécifique, vous serez accompagné par nos experts, nous examinerons votre besoin sous tous les angles afin de créer une vraie dynamique de groupe et mobiliser l'intelligence collective.
Vous souhaitez avoir un devis personnalisé ?
Vous souhaitez plus d'informations ?
Vous souhaitez prendre rendez-vous ?
Be careful not to confuse workshop and team building! The team building is distinguished by its character resolutely turned towards the creation of a real team cohesion, while the workshop is an animation dedicated to creativity.
During a workshop, the participants are focused on a specific objective for a day and will have to mobilize their skills in common to carry out each challenge and challenge.
Imagine a place where you can ask questions uninterrupted, share your ideas with other thinkers, and be inspired by other people's work, sounds pretty awesome, doesn't it?
The workshop will give you the opportunity to have a dedicated space to do just that and encourage collaborative work.
Our workshop is a unique space where you will meet our experts, you will have the opportunity to discuss your ideas with these innovative thought leaders and gain the knowledge you need to progress._cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b- 136bad5cf58d_
We will focus our actions on a specific area, you will be accompanied by our experts, we will examine your needs from all angles in order to create real group dynamics and mobilize collective intelligence.
The objectives of the workshop:
Involve all team members.
Sharing experiences of specialists.
Build a new project.
Set up new strategies.
Solve a specific problem
Make a collective decision
Duration :
One day - 7h. A theoretical part and a practical part.
The stages of the Workshop:
Define the objectives to be achieved.
Selection of the place of organization.
Selection of activity
Set number of attendees
Audience :
Companies: teams from ten people.
Schools: teaching teams, students from ten people.
Method :
Sport and creativity exercises.
Sharing of experiences.
According to the activity chosen by the client.
What is a workshop in business?
The workshop is a moment of exchange and sharing of experiences and expertise with our team. Used by companies, but also increasingly by schools. It is a meeting of people who share a particular interest or activity to mobilize their common resources.
The workshop method relies on a group of people working together on a project. The group is moderated by an expert - a moderator. The group generates questions and hypotheses, which they test and present to the group for discussion. Almost all disciplines have workshops dedicated to them, as well as interdisciplinary workshops.
The workshop is a meeting of people who work together and are passionate about their area of expertise. This type of meeting allows experts from different fields to share ideas and opinions. Experts, who may seem distant in a conference, take on a more accessible dimension in a workshop, where different specialties meet. A workshop gets teams working together for the benefit of everyone involved.
The workshop allows students to ask more specific questions directed at a particular expert, which is perhaps more difficult to do during a lecture. It also promotes the integration of ideas from multiple disciplines and areas of expertise – for example, when students who do not work or teach together are forced to discuss their research on Social Security or the brain ( or something else !).
In business, this can also be called a working group. The idea is to focus on the subject during the time of the workshop and to come out enriched. This can also serve as mutual help between colleagues to discuss any difficulties, a problem that may arise internally and to try to find solutions.
Generally the workshop lasts one day. Some are longer and last two or three days, others are shorter and last only a few hours. The one-day format is ideal. Generally, the morning is devoted to the exhibition by the specialists of their research on the subject and the afternoon to a reflection which involves everyone.