team cohesion
Vous êtes en charge d'animer et motiver vos équipes ? Nous vous accompagnons étape par étape dans ce séminaire pour vous aider à créer une cohésion d'équipe pérenne.
Cette action prend le plus souvent la forme d’un séminaire d’une durée de 2 à 3 jours, dans un lieu convivial permettant de lâcher prise avec le quotidien. Les journées vont alterner des temps de travail, de réflexion en équipe sous la houlette de nos coachs spécialistes de la dynamique des groupes. Des moments forts, (re)structurants les liens et les interactions entre les membres d’une même équipe seront créés autour d’une activité ludique et challengeante. Les soirées sont également mises à profit et consacrées à des activités décontractées permettant d’apprendre à se mieux connaître en tant qu’individu.
Ce qui caractérise ce séminaire en cohésion d’équipe, c'est sa facilité et singularité. Vous serez accompagné pas-à-pas par des experts de la gestion d'équipe et sportifs de haut niveau !
Vous apprendrez les démarches pour créer une cohésion entre vos équipes, vous perfectionnerez vos compétences afin de pouvoir disposer d’une meilleure gestion de vos collaborateurs, encourager les bonnes habitudes et améliorer votre management.
Vous aurez au cours de ce séminaire en cohésion d’équipe, des exercices pratiques afin d’appliquer les connaissances que nous allons acquérir ensemble.
La cohésion d’équipe est l'arme que chaque manager devrait avoir en sa possession, afin de pouvoir assurer la réussite de son projet professionnel. Qu'il s’agisse de créer une nouvelle dynamique au sein de ses collaborateurs, ou d’accentuer leur motivation professionnelle.
Il est donc important d’anticiper ce séminaire en cohésion d’équipe pour acquérir les meilleurs outils et méthodologies, ainsi, vous pourrez mettre en place facilement une stratégie efficace pour construire un collectif gagnant !
Are you in charge of leading and motivating your teams? We accompany you step by step in this team cohesion training!
What characterizes this training in team cohesion is its ease and uniqueness. you will be accompanied step by step by experts in team management and top athletes!
You will learn the steps to create cohesion between your teams, you will improve your skills in order to have better management of your employees, encourage good habits and improve your management.
You will have during the training in team cohesion, practical exercises in order to apply the knowledge that we will acquire together.
Team cohesion is the weapon that every manager should have in his possession, in order to be able to ensure the success of his professional project. Whether it's creating a new dynamic among employees or increasing their professional motivation.
It is therefore important to anticipate this training in team cohesion to acquire the best tools and methodologies, so you can easily put in place an effective strategy to build a winning collective!
The objectives of team cohesion:
Being able to federate a team
Improve communication
Acquire the tools to create une team cohesion
Knowing how to use the levers to move from I to We
The speakers:
Anouar Bouguerra and Jérémy Clément or Corine Petit or Cristina Piccin.
Duration :
Two days: 2 p.m.
team cohesion program:
first day :
How to open the communication space
Understand the functioning of the team and the relational positioning
The Importance of Adult/Adult Culture
How to make a compendium current status information
The importance of pleasure at work
Performance and how to develop the productivity of the organization
second day:
How to get to the desired state
Collective and individual objectives
The 12 essential qualities in leadership
Creativity as a lever
Expectations and commitments Manager/collaborators
Management of different profiles
Sporting performance at the service of business
Audience :
Leaders & Managers facing team cohesion issues
Method :
Alternating theoretical and practical contributions
Sequence of play
Sports workshop
Training accessible and adapted to people with disabilities.
Prices :
Inter-company: 1200 € excl. tax
Individual: 1000 € excl. tax
Intra-company: on estimate
Possibility of financing via your OPCO.
Breakfasts and lunches included in the price.
For more information,
what is team cohesion?
Team cohesion is more than a word, it's a method! Knowing how to manage your team is an essential know-how for most business leaders. With team cohesion, you give new impetus to your company, you optimize the performance that all members of your team need. The results are visible in all the components of the company, so you revitalize the work of all its components. Team cohesion gives meaning to teamwork.
The leader or manager is on the initiative of his team, and his daily management, allows you to unite the forces of the group and create this complementarity, the real cohesion between people but also, to identify the tensions of the members of the team or even identify why and how we find ourselves in a situation.
Teams must be built, but also nurtured to make them grow, thanks to team cohesion, you will be able to direct your action plan to give meaning to everyone's work and give meaning to the collective. Your team finds effective interaction paths. Your employees gain motivation and find the desire to go further together!
Cohesion between colleagues must be an internal culture, a philosophy, competition must give way to cordial understanding. The factors that have the greatest impact on team performance are the will to progress, mutual trust and enthusiasm. Our tools can help them meet the challenge of team cohesion and achieve all your organizational projects. Teams are the heart of a company's performance, they are at the center of work!
Indeed, they are made up of people who all pull in the same direction, share the same values and want to be united. Perfect teams do exist! A team can only be effective if it is made up of members who are at the top of their game and well prepared for the mission at hand.
Team cohesion makes a team more effective than any result on paper can attest. In order for your team to fulfill its full potential, we work with different choices and themes. They are made so that the participants can recharge their batteries, create links between them, rediscover the team spirit and evolve in a small group to create a lasting team cohesion.